Legal notice


The site is published by the Company Boschi Immobilier,

Address: 45 place de la Libération, 26110 Nyons,

Legal form: SARL with a capital of 100 000 €.

SIREN : 449 566 322

Professional card no CPI 2602 2018 000 025 889 - Prefecture of Drôme

Warranty : GALIAN Paris

Director of publication: David Boschi.


The site is hosted by :

Agence 301 - SAS with a variable capital of 1000€ registered at the RCS of Nîmes under the n° 82381424900012. Headquarters at 4 bis montée du Fort - 30400 Villeneuve-lès-Avignon - France - VAT N° : FR32823814249 | APE Code : 6312Z

The service provider providing direct and permanent storage is OVH - 2 rue kellermann BP 80157 59053 ROUBAIX CEDEX 1 - France


Boschi Immobilier makes every effort to ensure to the best of its ability the accuracy and updating of the information on the site, as well as access to this information.

However, Boschi Immobilier declines any responsibility:

  • for any interruption of the site ;
  • for the occurrence of bugs ;
  • for any inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available on the site ;
  • for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion of a third party leading to a modification of the information published on this site ;
  • and more generally, for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences.


By using the website, accessible at, you agree to be subject to these terms and conditions of use.

Boschi Real Estate reserves the right to modify or replace certain provisions of these general conditions of use.

However, these changes will be clearly announced online before their effective application.


Boschi Immobilier is the owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the site or holds the rights of use relating thereto.

The elements accessible on the site, in particular the photographs, texts, images, icons and logos are also protected by intellectual property rights of which Boschi Real Estate is the owner or on which it holds the rights of use.

Under no circumstances may you reproduce, copy, modify, use on any medium whatsoever, by any means whatsoever, or exploit in any way whatsoever all or part of the site without the prior written permission of Boschi Immobilier.

The exploitation not previously authorized by Boschi Real Estate, for any reason whatsoever, of all or part of the site may be the subject of any appropriate action, including an action for counterfeiting.


The insertion of hyperlinks to all or part of the site is authorized, on a non-exclusive basis and revocable at any time without Boschi Real Estate having to provide any justification, and provided that this link cannot create against Boschi Real Estate a false, false, pejorative or prejudicial character.

Boschi Real Estate cannot be held responsible for the content of the site on which the link appears.

Any use in the link of Boschi Immobilier's logo, trademark or graphics requires the prior, express and written authorization of Boschi Immobilier.


For any dispute, you will have the possibility, if you are a "consumer" within the meaning of the introductory article of the Consumer Code, to refer the matter to the Consumer Ombudsman, either electronically at: or by post to the attention of the ANM Conso, 62 rue Tiquetonne 75002 PARIS.

If you are not a consumer, you can contact the Quality Department of the FNAIM at the following address: FNAIM-Département Qualité 129 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré - 75008 Paris or the Chambre syndicale FNAIM Départementale de la Drôme-Ardèche located at 71 Avenue Sadi Carnot-26000 VALENCE for the Drôme agencies or the Chambre syndicale FNAIM Départementale du Vaucluse located at 17 Boulevard Commandant Dampeine 84170 MONTEUX for the Vaucluse agencies.